Julian of Norwich, the late 14th century English woman anchoress, with her mystical writings, has become one of the most influential spiritual figures of our times. However, scholars agree that Julian is also a substantial and challenging theological writer. Her writing is the first surviving English-language text of any kind that we know to have been composed by a woman. This doctoral course provides an opportunity to study the rich spirituality and theology present in her writings, the Revelations of Divine Love – sometimes known as Showings or, in her own words, A Revelation of Love. Julian wrote two distinct but related texts – a more personal Short Text and the more theological and better known Long Text. This course will concentrate on this Long Text. The course will begin with introductory seminars on the nature of mystical theology and the background to visionary literature and also on Julian’s religious, social and historical contexts and their importance for understanding Julian’s teaching. These seminars will also introduce Julian’s two texts, the relationship between them, their differences and her overall theological method. The course will then study key themes in Julian: ways of “seeing”, the central parable of Chapter 51, her imaging of God (e.g. as Mother), creation & human identity, sin and salvation, the nature of prayer, the spiritual life and spiritual transformation and finally Julian’s overall practical-pastoral purpose.